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Consultant , Adolescent Medicine

Collection of Past Oral Exams / or CBT to Upgrade to  Consultant  for Adolescent medicine specialists.

The ebook contains between 1000 and 1500 pages.

It varies from one exam to another.

All the questions in the book are solved with the help of previous consultants.


There is a book for each exam of the exams mentioned below. :

SLE/SCFHS  : Saudi Commission for Health Specialties

DHA : Dubai Health Authority: UAE

MOH : MInistry of Health : UAE

HAAD :Health Authority - Abu Dhabi ( UAE)

Oral Exam Viva MOH Oman

SCH :Supreme Council of Health's Qatar

DHCC:Dubai Healthcare City

The National Health Regulatory Authority (NHRA) (Bahrain)

Saudi Board 

MOH Kuwait


You don't need anything else, don't waste your time - this book guarantees that you will become consultants.

Consultant , Adolescent Medicine

  •  There is always a daily update on our website, so we keep track of the changes. Regarding the exams for upgrading specialist doctors to consultants, there are two types of exams that differ depending on the exam, specialty, and location.

    CBT and Oral Questions


  • When you choose your exam, don't worry whether it's CBT or Oral. We follow the latest news and updates every day.The system will send you the correct exam ( CBT or Oral) after payment.

    1. Upgrade to consultant : Adolescent Medicine-Saudi Commission for Health Specialties
    2.  Upgrade to consultant : Adolescent Medicine-Saudi Board
    3. Upgrade to consultant : Adolescent Medicine-Department of Health – Abu Dhabi (DoH)
    4. Upgrade to consultant : Adolescent Medicine-DHA : Dubai Health Authority: UAE
    5. Upgrade to consultant: Adolescent Medicine-DHCC:Dubai Healthcare City
    6. Upgrade to consultant : Adolescent Medicine-MOH : Ministry of Health : UAE
    7. Upgrade to consultant:  Adolescent Medicine-Sharjah Health Authority
    8. Upgrade to consultant : Adolescent Medicine-OMSB: Oman Medical Specialty Board
    9. Upgrade to consultant Adolescent Medicine-SCH :Supreme Council of Health's Qatar
    10. Upgrade to consultant : Adolescent Medicine-NHRA Bahrain
    11. Upgrade to consultant :Adolescent Medicine-MOH Kuwait
    12. Upgrade to consultant : Adolescent Medicine-International  Exams 

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